Thursday 30 December 2010

Personal Photo Challenge

To do:
Sports action shot
Flower close up
Motion blur
Family portrait
Building at night
Group Shot

Water drop
Self portrait
The Moon/ Night sky
Faceless portrait


Wednesday 15 December 2010

Personal Photo Challenge

To do:
Sports action shot
Flower close up
Motion blur
Faceless portrait
Family portrait taken with self timer
Building at night
Group Shot

Water drop
Self portrait
The Moon/ Night sky

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Frosty Walk

This also knocks out one of my photo challenges!

To do:
Sports action shot
Flower close up
Motion blur
Faceless portrait
Self portrait
Family portrait taken with self timer
The Moon/ Night sky
Building at night
Group Shot

Water drop

Wednesday 24 November 2010

The Gallery: Week 36: Black & White

Haven't got a great story to tell about this one other than it was one of my first pictures with my new 'big' camera and I was really pleased with it. It's the weather vane on Will's first school so there is a small memory attached!

I've been having a photographic inspiration shortage again lately, probably due to the dark nights, cold weather and busy build up to Christmas at work. It's like a drug this photography lark is! I feel like I'm going cold turkey not having anything to practice on!!

Wednesday 17 November 2010

The Gallery: Week 35: Before & After

I've took some time out recently from entering the gallery while I'm actually trying to learn how to use my camera properly, but I couldn't resist entering this as I love this before and after picture.

The first is of Will's first day a school and the second is of his first day of Middle school this year. I never intended to take similar shots and didn't even realize I had until sticking them in my Picassa album! Neither of the photos are very good images but together I love them!

I just need to get one of high school and one when he goes off to work for the first time. I'm not going to wish his life away though, My real wish is that he could of stayed like the first photo forever!

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Personal Photo Challenge!

Right, I've decided to set myself a personal challenge to teach myself the manual modes on my camera.

I have been struggling lately for inspiration and getting really frustrated that after taking a photography course I'm not getting any practice in, so I'm going to make a list of cliche photo shots and go out my way to get a decent shot of each one in manual mode. My first attempt is frozen water drop. This was made easy by the fact we have a dripping tap that is driving me mad!

So heres the rest of my list in no particular order. My only rule is that I try to cross at least one off every week but hopefully more!

To do:
Sports action shot
Flower close up
Motion blur
Faceless portrait
Self portrait
Family portrait taken with self timer
The Moon/ Night sky
Building at night
Group Shot

Water drop

Monday 20 September 2010

Facebook Contest - Near Water

We spent Saturday morning at Arrow Valley walking the dog.

We use to go a lot but seemed to have forgotten about it lately. It's a lovely place for walking the dog and I needed to try and get some photos for next weeks facebook photo contest 'near the water'. I like the first shot but think I'll try and get a few more shots over this week to see if I can improve it.

Monday 13 September 2010

10th Birthday Party

William hit double digits on Saturday! We struggled to come up with a party that could accommodate his ever growing list of friends at a reasonable price and suitable to stimulate his age group.

Eventually, by complete luck, we found A BMX race track just down the road from us. They didn't host organised parties, but for £3.50 per person the kids could use the pro racetrack all day. That with the promise of McDonalds take away seem to please Williams ever growing demands!

The weather started badly and we were nervous that such a casual arrangement might not work but I can now happily say this was a massive success! It was hard to drag the kids away at the end with comments of 'Best party ever!'. The staff were fantastic and I would recommend this place to anybody that has hyper boys or girls to wear out! William now wants to join the racing club and start training on Saturday mornings.

Tuesday 31 August 2010

The Gallery: Week 25: Photos Taken on August 29th

I've been getting frustrated because I haven't been able to use my camera much lately, just as I was starting to really get into the swing of it!

However I was chuffed to bits when Tara's weekly gallery was 'A Picture taken on August 29th'. This was perfect for me as we'd been invited to a wedding!

Monday 9 August 2010

The Karate Kid

Well Taekwondo Kid to be pedantic!

William had to go a different Taekwondo session today as he couldn't make Tuesdays last week. His friend, Joel is on holiday so he had to go alone which he was really nervous about but we managed to persuade him as we had ordered his first ever suit and it was ready to pick up. As you can see he was very glad he went and insisted on a photo shoot in the back garden when we got back!

Best of all he loved Sundays session and has now asked if he can go on Tuesdays and Sundays! I really hope we have found something he loves to do without the security blanket of a group of mates with him. Whenever his 'regular' friends all jump on the bandwagon of a new leisure activity one of two things happens.

a) They don't really like it so belittle it making William feel he shouldn't be doing it - so he gives up.
b) Somebodies better at it than him (and usually tend to let him know) - so he gives up, with his confidence knocked again!


I've always loved graffiti art, so while were doing a fantastic treasure trail around Bromsgrove, I grabbed these few shots from the kids skate park. It's inspired me to go and try an find some better stuff as I think the colours look great in photography.

Will wants me to make a picture for his bedroom, which I think is a great idea but think I'll wait till I get some better examples, although I do like the Respect one just based on the message.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

The Gallery: Week 22 : Playtime

This was a hard one for me. I had loads of ideas planned in my head but then either couldn't find the time or the few rushed shots I did take, I'm not happy with!

I like to try to only use photo's taken during the week the theme is given as this forces me to go out and experiment with my camera, but this week, I have cheated myself and thrown in a shot taken a couple of weeks ago, as I'm not really pleased with what I came up with.

First up guns, William loves guns and other weapons, he's scarily obsessed with them, always has been. If he has a pound to spend in a shop he will always choose a gun or maybe a sword, however rubbish it is, it doesn't matter. Throw water into the equation and you've a happy child.

Williams never really been an indoors kind of child. He loves playing outside with his friends, whatever the weather. If he is inside, I admit he love's his video games but if he has a choice its always outdoors he'll choose.

He's also a sporty kid, he love's his rugby, football and Tae Kwon Do, so toys tend to be a passing whim for him. Unfortunately though I don't have any good photos of these yet as I only got my new camera a couple of months ago. I can't wait for the new season to start though!

These photos are of a few of the Christmas/ birthday presents that have managed to keep his attention rather than gathering dust after a week!

Action figures. He loves action figures, especially wrestlers. I love it when I catch him playing and he's unaware that I'm watching.

Wrestler v Robot, Sith Lord against Army Sniper, it doesn't matter in the battle for Castle Mountserrat, time lines and genres have no place in this battle! We watched the fantastic Toy Story 3 last week and the intro where the toys are all in one big imaginary adventure together is so recognizable!

I guess the best playground of all is a child's imagination.

Thursday 29 July 2010

The Gallery: Week 21 : Nature - What Are Little Boys Made Of?

What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.
Williams been out hunting frogs today with all his friends.

I had to take him a packed lunch as he was having that much fun he didn't want to come back. (OK it was an excuse to go out with the camera as well!)

It made me feel very jealous of his youth. This is what the 6 weeks holidays should be all about. Endless adventures in mud and belly laughter with friends! God I feel old!